Hi. I'm Daniel @danielhangan Hangan 🤟


Short Bio

I'm a seasoned software engineer and internet entrepreneur with a strong track record of developing innovative solutions to complex problems in the technology industry. I have a keen interest in pioneering state-of-the-art data-driven technologies and am committed to driving systemic change that promotes global unity and connectivity.


In my role as a Lead Software Engineer for Radicle Insights, I spearheaded the development and management of Radicle's core technology infrastructure, services, and products, resulting in a robust and efficient system.

I engineered an internal full-stack application that empowered 25 research analysts to query 3 million companies, execute data science scripts, and access third-party API data, enhancing productivity. I streamlined data pipeline integration of 3 sources into the data warehouse, ensuring seamless access to up-to-date information. I also pioneered a semantic search engine using Qdrant and Hugging Face ML models, leading to a 10x improvement in speed and accuracy in identifying relevant companies, significantly augmenting research efficiency.

As the Co-Founder & CTO of Interlinked, I orchestrated the architecture and construction of a data-driven investment platform for Seed and Series A Investors, aggregating and parsing data from multiple sources to enable data-driven investment decisions. I innovated two powerful search engines using Meilisearch (Full-text) and Qdrant (Similarity Search), enhancing the usability and efficiency of the platform. I also automated data pipeline integration of 3 data sources into the data warehouse, ensuring seamless access to up-to-date information.

Work Experience

  • radicle
    Jan 2020 · Present
    Lead Software Engineer
    Radicle Insights
    As the Lead Software Engineer at Radicle Insights, I've developed and managed Radicle's core technology infrastructure, services, and products, enhancing productivity and research efficiency
  • interlinked
    Oct 2022 · Sept 2023
    Founder & CTO
    As the Founder & CTO of Interlinked, I've architected a data-driven investment platform for Seed and Series A Investors, enhancing the platform's usability and efficiency.
  • blockdata
    Jan 2019 · Jun 2020
    Research Analyst
    BLOCKDATA (Sold to CB Insights)
    As one of the first employees I was responsible for building a database of blockchain projects/protocols.
  • dealroom
    Sept 2018 · Dec 2018
    Research Analyst
    Created startup market intelligence reports for VC funds (Lake star, Balderton, Accel) and Corporations (Unilever, Schibsted)

Let's Connect

I'm excited to connect with others via email and Twitter to chat about projects and ideas. I'm open on full-time/part-time remote jobs, freelance projects, startup ideas and discussing potentially collaborating if it's a good fit.